Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

The Description of Penguin


Penguins are sea-birds in the family Spheniscidae. They use their wings to 'fly' underwater, but they can’t fly in the air. They are sea birds which eat fish and other sea food. Penguins live only in the Southern Hemisphere of the world: Antarctica, New Zealand, Southern Australia, South Africa, and South America. The furthest north they get is the Galapagos Islands, where the cold Humboldt Current flows past.
All penguins have a white belly and a dark (mostly black) back. Penguins can't fly, but they can swim very well. Their wings have become stiff and small swimming flippers. They have good hearing and can see underwater. The white and black colors are for camouflage (to help them hide) when they swim. So, when a predator looking from underwater sees the white belly and wings of the penguin, they can't see it well with the light coming from above. Seen from above, the penguin's black back blends in with the dark water. Penguins have webbed feet used for paddling in the water. They can't walk well, so they waddle. 
The biggest penguins may stand nearly 4 feet tall (110 cm) and can weigh almost 100 pounds (40 kg). The smallest kinds are only about one foot (32 cm) tall. Penguins have a thick layer of blubber that helps them keep warm, and their feathers are very tightly packed to make another cover. They also have a layer of woolly down under the feathers that are coated with a type of oil that makes them waterproof.
       Emperor Penguin

          The biggest penguin in this world
    Little Blue Penguin
    The smallest penguin in this world
Most penguins lay two eggs per year but emperor penguins lay only one. After the penguins mate, the mother lays her egg or eggs and soon goes in the ocean to eat. The father and mother take turns keeping the eggs warm, and of the chicks after they hatch. The parent on baby duty has nothing to eat. The time one parent is alone with the eggs or chicks and going hungry may be weeks or months depending on what kind of penguin they are.

Penguins eat krill, fish, squid, and other small animals from the ocean, which they catch. They are at home in the ocean. They come up on the land or ice to lay their eggs and raise the chicks. They don't eat there because they live in places where the land has no food for them. In most species the birds all nest together in a huge group, called a rookery. They usually make nests on the ground with rocks or mud. Penguins can not taste fish. This was discovered when a research team noticed they were missing some key genes for taste. A closer look at the DNA of penguins showed that all species lack functioning genes for the receptors of sweet, umami, and bitter tastes. It doesn't matter to them, because they swallow the fish whole, without chewing.
1. What is the use of penguin's wings?
a. To swim underwater
b. To fly in the sky
c. To catch their prey
d. To protect their children
e. To dig the snow
2 The second paragraph mainly discussed about...
a. The penguin's behaviour
b. The physical appearance of penguin
c. The habitat of penguin
d. The penguin's reproduction
e. The biggest penguin in this world
3. The word 'they' at the third paragraph refers to?
a.  Emperor penguin
b. Little blue penguin
c. Penguins
d. Fish, kreel, and squid
e. Penguin's eggs
4. These statements below are true, EXCEPT...
a. Penguins can fly and they also can swim very well
b. Penguins can't swallow the fish without chewing
c. All penguins have a white belly and a dark (mostly black) back
d. Most penguins lay three eggs per year
e. Penguins can taste the fish
5. They can't walk well, so they waddle
The word waddle has the same meaning to...
a. Twist
b. Crawl
c. Silther
d. Wiggle
e. Budge


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