Sabtu, 24 September 2016

Indonesian Independence Day : TUBE

Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I'm gonna tell you about the celebration of Indonesian Independence Day in SMAN 3 Bandung. We celebrated it at 21 September 2016. It was too late but that's okay. We had a lot of fun there.
The games were placed at Lapangan Bali. It started at 10 am. The first game for my class is tug of war. We competed X science 4 (I'm not really sure). I was the participant of this game. We should put our hands to the flour before the game start so that our hands won't get hurt during the game. We pulled and screamed out loud to make our team more enthutiastic. Finally, we won that game yeayyy. After that, we competed X science 8 because they were the winner from the game before. Unfortunately, we lost this time.
The second game is throw the sponge. I'm not really sure about who was our competitor but we won this game. The second round started. We competed X science 6 this time. Again, we lost. For the third game, which was the last game, we played it at bangsal. This game was called dodge ball. We should throw the ball to our competitor and if our competitor is out of person, we're gonna be the winner. We competed X science 4 at this game. For the third time, we won the first selection. After that, we competed X science 8 again for the final game. Unfiortunately, we lost again and became the second winner.
After that game, I went home because I had a course. My friend said that the winner of all the game was us. We became the winner because our posisition was stable. We became the second winner of all games. Congratulations X science 1.

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