Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

World Tournament x Techno Festival

Hi everyone!!! I'm back. Today I'm gonna tell you about WTF (World Tournament x Techno Festival). This event is organized by OSIS SMAN 3 Bandung. Wanna know more about WTF? Check this out!
 When I heard about this event, i thought that it will be boring. I had no spirit to join this event. As the time passed, everyhing I thought at the first disappeared. This event was so interesting. We should against our seniors. There were a lot of game that tested our solidarity. Beside that, this event could help us to improve our english skill. We should speak english during the event.
First, we gathered at the coridor to receive map and some water balloons. We need that balloons to fight the alien. After that, we went to bazaar because the map said that bazaar was our first planet. The committee asked us to answer the question. They just need three persons to did that and the others were waiting for the instruction to make a line. The team who could make the longest line was the winner. My team won. Yeayyy, I was so happy. We received a piece of puzzle. 
The next game was eating a very spicy noodle. I was the participant of this game. Unfortunately, we lost so we didn't receive any puzzle. But, eventhough we lost at the game, we could fight the alien. As the reward, the committe gave us a piece of puzzle again. After that, we were searching again for the next planet. In the next planet, we need to played a game like tekken. I'm not really sure about the name of that game. Again, our team won. We already have three pieces of puzzles.
We'd done all the games at school. After that, we were moving to music park. We played second rank. For real, we lost at this game but, because the name of this game is second rank, we won. After received the puzzle, we were moving to LapBal. We met alien again. We were running to catch the alien and BAM! we did it:)
We played catching ribbon at LapBal. This game was fun at the first, but at the end, there was an accident between our team and the seniors. Since that time, this event was not interesting anymore. Eventhough the atmosphere was different with the first game, we kept trying to make it normal.
After from LapBal, we were moving again to Tongkeng Park, we rested for a while to pray Dzuhur and eat our meal. After that, we played again. The committe divided our team into two, boys vs girls. We made a robot from some materials. I forgot which team who won. That was my last game. I should go because my parents already picked me up. My friends said that the winner was 3'2018. I didn't really care about the winner. All I thought was the happiness that I got from that event.
Finally I've finished this. Thank's for reading. See you againnnnnn.

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